Are there any statements given for this assignment? Because according to what I know, alligators and crocodiles are more related to birds because of archosaurian origins. However, crocodiles are more closely related to birds than snakes because the evolution of birds from having snouts to beaks are slightly evident in crocodiles for they have more pointly snouts.
The answer is primary structure. The protein's primary structure pertains to the amino acids' linear sequence in the chain. Usually, the protein's structure is combined together with a covalent bond that is produced while the process of biosynthesis is present.
Stereo microscopes, also called low-power microscopes, dissection microscopes, or inspection microscopes, are designed for viewing "large" objects that are visible to the naked eye at low magnifications (under 50x). A stereo microscope provides an upright and unreversed, 3-dimensional image of the specimen.