Sacrificial rituals, they killed people, spilled their blood on altars. It was an honor to be a sacrifice. Sometimes, the rituals claimed to need virgins or women, or both.
two examples of things studied in the earth sciences are rocks and landscape features.
there's actually A LOT you can learn in earth science, so rocks and landscape features are just two examples. if you want even more specific examples, there's igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks, and there's also landscape features like glaciers and eolian systems (both of these you can find naturally on the earth).
Germany, England, and France. As each nation is a member of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), the US has promised to deliver military aid if they have been invaded or attacked by another nation. So, the United States would send extra troops overseas to assist current groups stationed in Europe. In times of peace, it is most typically economically, but sometimes, US presence in times of increasing hostility is enough to cause the aforementioned hostilities to cease. In both times of war and peace, these nations should assist in the same way as the United States does.
Answer: the new military technology.
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