Each reformer belongs to one of these groups.
The individuals who are considered to be idealists are the people who do not take practical things in their mind. They are more guided more by ideals and the values that they imbibe.
On the other hand, the people who are practical reformers are the people who give more importance to practical things in life. There fore they make changes in the society according to the practical experiences that they see in life.
1861–62: King Wilhelm I became King of Prussia and he appointed Otto von Bismarck on 23 September 1862, Minister President and Foreign Minister, who favoured a 'blood-and-iron' policy to create a united Germany under the leadership of Prussia.
Because the government were not good.
The Renaissance also encouraged people to question received wisdom and offered the possibility of change, which was unthinkable in the middle ages. This encouraged the reformers to tackle abuses in the Church, which ultimately led to the schism and the end of Christendom's old idea.