The Bushido code guided the samurai in life and death, and stressed loyalty to the leader and honor in every aspect of life. The Bushido code arose from Zen-Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shintoism, and taught the importance of service to master and country.
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Rome n Carthage were the two superpowers of their time.
They both saw each other as threats.
So the Romans simply fought to gain more power.
I think the answer is "because they did not share the same views" but, if you give me some answer choices I should be able to answer more to your liking.
Different victors wanted different things, so they couldn't ALL have everything they wanted. Britain and France did NOT want a League of Nations, but Wilson insisted on little else. Clemenceau wanted crippling reparations, Wilson and Lloyd George didn't
13. Colosseum
14. The Rhine and Danube