model This hotel has one hundred rooms. The other hotel has forty rooms. That hotel has more rooms than the other. 1. The library has one hundred and fifty chairs. The language lab has thirty chairs. 2. Ramón bought three ties. Roberto bought three ties. 3. I ate a plate of pasta. My brother ate two pasta dishes. 4. Anabel slept eight hours. Amelia slept eight hours. 5. My cousin takes six classes. My friend Tere takes eight classes. Lesson 2 Structure
What do we do with this? like what are you trying to find out of it
A: Que hora ES
B: es La una
C: Son
A: El Reloj (the clock)
B: i'm not sure
C: Quince
D: treinta (or media)
E and F: (i still don't know the blank spaces lol)
G: son las nueve y cuarenta
H: amanecer
Again...i hope this helps