The effect of the Cold War in Guatemala was that Castillo Armas outlawed the communists, imposed a harsh military dictatorship, and set off an era of repression that has still to end in Guatemala. More than 200,000 persons have been killed in Guatemala from 1954 to the present by anti-communist regimes. In Chile, the result of the Cold War brought Fidel Castro to power...
The first long-term cause of World War I is militarism. Militarism can best be understood as the buildup or expansion of the ability of a country's military to wage war.
China was positively affected and showed great social, economic and cultural growth during the territorial expansion under the Qing dynasty.
The Qing dynasty increased Chinese territorial expansion and brought great victories to China. An important fact of this period of time, it was the victory of china against the Mongols that allowed China to bring peace to Tibet and leave this region under its domination, in addition, there was the recognition of the southern borders between China, Myanmar and Nepal, which brought much fruit and prosperity to the country.
The expansion of the territory strengthened agricultural production, which resulted in the expansion of trade and even allowed the establishment of business with European colonies.
They were both presidents