Tense is the form of a verb that shows when something happened, is happening or is going to happen.[1] There are three main tenses:
Present tense: things that are true when the words are spoken or written.
Example: She goes to school. In this sentence, goes shows that it is a present tense. It suggests that she regularly goes to school.
Example: She is going to school. This says she is now going to school.
Past tense: things that were true before the words were spoken or written.
Example: She went to school. In this sentence, went shows that it is a past tense.
Future tense: things that will be true after the words are spoken or written.
Example: She will go to school. In this sentence, will shows that it is a future tense.
Tense can be shown by changing the spelling of a verb. For example, be can become am, is, and are in present tense, and was and were in past tense. In English, future tense is shown by adding will before the verb. For example, be becomes will be in future tense.
Twitter.. Update your status, tell everyone what your doing in just 140 characters..
She admits to witchcraft. <span />
<span>Pamper and spoil are synonyms. A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.</span>
Lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ... WRITE Use at least one of the Academic Vocabulary words in response ... Strategy: Monitor Comprehension (a) What strategies did you.