The family of Mr. Albert
Date : 12 January 2021
It is very unfortunate for us to hear the demise of such a great human like Mr Albert. The earthquake last month made a lot of damage and took our loved ones from us.
Unfortunately Mr. Albert was one of them. He was a helpful person in nature and was very serious about the development of the society. He was a well wisher of our school and helped our institution many times in many ways. My deepest condolence lies with teh family.
Head master
XYZ Public school
of each word? i'm confused do a little better explanation
Begin a war with the Ammonites
Gilgal is where Samuel hewed King Agag in pieces after Saul refused to obey God and utterly destroy the Amalekites.
i agree. The weather depens on the seasons, like it very unlikley for it to snow in summer. it also changes the agriculture, like i said before the weather depends on the seasons, so in winter the plants will get more water. i does play a role in the human mood, in cold gloomy days you are more likley to feel sad.
B. If you are moving back the 4 1/10 of a spot, you are moving it back 1 spot. So, if it is in the ten thouthands place now, one place value less is in the thousanths spot. The 4 in B = 4,000