Answer: Extended voting rights beyond church members.
In 1636, the English arrived when a large group of Puritans from Massachusetts led by Thomas Hooke founded the Colony of Connecticut at the city of Hartford. They came looking for freedom of religion
- - William the Conqueror was considered an important monarch because he took down/seized the throne to England.
<span>An effective bureaucracy demands reliability of response and strict devotion to regulations. Such devotion to the rules leads to their transformation into absolutes; they are no longer conceived as relative to a set of purposes. This interferes with ready adaptation under special conditions not clearly envisaged by those who drew up the general rules.</span>
Here are some folk tales
A Baker's Dozen
Saint Nicholas teaches a lesson to a stingy baker.</span>
<span><span>A Gift from Saint Nicholas </span>
A poor family is visited by a stranger on Christmas Eve.</span>
<span><span>Adventure On the Rogue </span>
Sasquatch meets a bear on the Rogue River.</span>
<span><span>Alicia </span>
The ghost of Alicia still haunts her home.</span>
<span><span>Allison's Alligator </span>
Someone is eating all of Allison's apples! Can you guess who it is?</span>
A sleepover party turns spooky when they use the Oujia board.</span></span>