They would possibly not be able to do certain things anymore
a) Chimel vs. California
The Chimel vs California case was a result of police officers going to Chimel's home with a warrant that authorized his arrest for burglary. After the warrant was served, the police officers comprehensively searched the house of Chimel. The search revealed various items that were used as exhibit to convict Chimel. The State Courts upheld Chimel's conviction. However the Supreme Court in a 6-2 decision, did not find the search of the full house reasonable, as a search warrant would be needed for this cause.
Answer: They are more concerned about the conflict than any agricultural or land process. Moreover, those periods, it's really dangerous to embark on such, you could be a prey to the oppostion
During conflicts, there is a major instability across nation's involved. The economies are affected badly and there is little or no time for investment in agriculture, tourism or even restoring degrading landscape. Every party involved in the conflict are more concerned in those moments about security before other things, until it's not sorted out, other aspects may not be given priority