Cancer is a type of harmful mutation.
The answer is A. sometimes that stuff happens
Animal cells contain dna enclosed in the nucleus
-Some additional proof of the endosymbiotic theory includes the similarity in DNA between bacteria and mitochondria and cyanobacteria and chloroplasts.
-According to the endosymbiotic theory; mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their own circular DNA, similar to DNA in Bacteria, Both mitochondria and chloroplasts are surrounded by two membranes: inner and outer membrane, mitochondria are about the same size as bacteria and also mitochondria appear to have been derived from purple bacteria and chloroplasts derived from photosynthetic bacteria.
Flowering plants produce male and female cells. The male cells are called pollen and the female cells are called ova. When a flowering plant is fertilized, it produces offspring in the form of seeds. However, not all plants reproduce flowers. Simpler plants, like mosses, lack these specialized structures.