1. Nouns
The suffix -tion is used to form nouns, such as nation, negotiation, etc. They're all nouns
The term onomatopoeia refers to the use of words that name a particular sound, such as hiss, and is sometimes used in poetry.
confinement. the action of confining or state of being confined.
desolation.a state of complete emptiness or destruction.
remoteness.the state of being distant from something else, in particular from the main centers of population.
Gregor is like a bug when he is roleplaying with his little sister. He is like a human when he speaks using his mouth.
Answer:Opinion, Fact and Opinion, Fact
Mephistopheles is a demon present in the German folklore 'Johann Georg Faust' . He's often visualised as the chief devil in the legend of the Faust. He's represented as a cunning demon who tricks others with his wit. He's nihilistic & embittered & tries to make other people just like him. Though he appeared first in the folklore during the mid 14th Century, he has also been seen in different myths through different names. Many consider him as the spawn of Satan or as Satan himself due to mischief & cunning behaviour. He represents sins, trickery, ninhilism & almost every other bad thing a person can thing of.