The result indicates<span> that Chinese EFL learners exhibit similar ... </span>negative<span> prosody</span><span>, a few have a </span>positive <span>prosody, and many more </span>words<span> are neutral ... If </span>both positive<span> and </span>negative<span> collocates exist in the </span>context<span>, the node </span>word can<span> be ... According to Hunston, “A </span>word<span> may be said to have a </span>particular semantic<span> prosody if it </span>can. Discuss<span> the </span>semantic profile<span> of the </span>word commit<span> to </span>indicate<span> how it </span>can<span> be ... </span>Discuss<span> the</span>se mantic profile<span> of the </span>word<span> '</span>commit<span>' to </span>indicate<span> how it </span>can<span> be </span>used<span> in </span>different contexts<span>. In </span>particular show both<span> the </span>negative<span> and </span>positive sense<span> of the ... Guide demonstrates how phrases </span>can<span> be </span>used<span> in</span>different ways. Discuss<span> the </span>semantic profile<span> of the </span>word commit<span> to </span>indicate<span> how it </span>can<span> be ... </span>Discuss<span> the</span>se mantic profile<span> of the </span>word<span> '</span>commit<span>' to </span>indicate<span> how it </span>can<span> be </span>used<span> in </span>different contexts<span>. In </span>particular show both<span> the </span>negative<span> and </span>positive sense<span> of the ... Guide demonstrates how phrases </span>can<span> be </span>used<span> in</span>different<span> ways.</span>
One of the obvious symbols in “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” is the fig tree, which represents the Logan family tree and its connection to their cherished land. Just as Papa does, students can create their own family tree, revealing how far out all the branches spread.
Answer: oh well, guess you have to carry it :(
the photo of just the jumper cables on apex answer is
to let the reader know what jumper cables look like
Barren seems like the best work for stark.