Indian removal act
The U.S. government tried to speed Indian assimilation with the Indian removal act. they asked all native Americans to either move further west or to adopt white ways of life.
I don’t think so. He implies women are only to be wives and mothers, which also implies the old statuses of men working, voting, owning property and women not being allowed to do so. This is not just the Justice’s personal opinion to keep to himself, and he says civil society must be based on the “law of the creator.” Personally, I think his perspective is rubbish
Presidents are elected indirectly by electoral college.
The election of president and vice president of the United States is an indirect election in which citizens of the United States who are registered to vote in one of the 50 U.S. states or in Washington, D.C. cast ballots not directly for the candidates, but instead for members of the U.S. Electoral College, called electors. These electors cast direct votes, known as electoral votes, for president, and for vice president.
It forms from the rapid cooling and crystallization of lava is false