The native american came to the new world with the conquistadors. For one spanish conquistador an expedition that began on a texas beach ended with a much different kind of notable attainment than whichever the spanish crown and catholic church perhaps anticipated. The remarkable journey also opened a conversation about unfair benefit and human rights that endures to this day. During the age of exploration, the spanish conquistadors arose to the america in exploration of the three G's: gold, glory, and God. The spanish crown acknowledged the gold and glory and the catholic church acknowledged the converts. A fourth G was typically on the consideration prize list as well: geography. European controls contended dynamically and violently to claim land in the america in command to spread their territories across the oceans.
He is eager to fight. He is always confident, a kind young hero, the Son of Odysseus and a respectful youth.
Answer: there are many forms of communism and fascism (!!!) Italian fascism is not the same as English or Romanian fascism. Differences exist especially in theory, ideology, doctrine. When we move to practice and regime as it works in reality, there are few differences (for example: Communism should be theoretically open to all people without discriminating the USSR Jews were discriminated). So description of differences will be purely theoretical:
1) fascism is born around 1900 whereas Communism came into existence (as a theory) already in 1848 (Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx).
2) Communism has its central authority (Karl Marx)....all the rest is derived from his thought. Fascism lacks is a nebulous plurality of authors, mixture of ideas.
3) Communism is product of Enlightenment (primacy of reason, idea of progress, just society etc.) whereas fascism is a produt of Anti-Enlightenment (irrationalism, primacy of ancestry or race, belief in the soul of nation, sometimes necessity of exceptional leading elite, frequently is linked with some almost religious faith, cult of body, physical strength, very patriarchal, references to Middle Ages).
Explanation: similarities....both were born in times where masses were entering politics and both needs masses. Both preach man of masses. They do not promote individuality, individuality is suppressed.
The nation was left in a weak condition after achieving independence in 1821. Agricultural, mining, and manufacturing activity had all plummeted as a result of the conflict, and more than half a million Mexicans had perished.
Hope this helps!
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