The ADB said it sees public investments rebounding during the 2nd half of 2019. Slowing inflation, low unemployment, and steady remittances are expected to support household consumption.
You could just steal the slogan from Philippine Airlines: "It's more fun in the Philippines!" and then like elaborate. It would be more like an infographic than a slogan poster, but I mean whatever works. Or you could say "Las Pilipinas: Kay Ganda at Masaya!" (it's supposed to say the philippines: so beautiful and fun, but idrk cuz my mom's the one who is filipino and speaks tagalog not me)
This story shows us that humans are messed up and broken, but even in the most broken of states, our humanity can shine through. The narrator is broken down and in a bad place, but still feels remorse about the state he's left his kids in. This person celebrates that one of their daughters is doing alright, but they don't want to mess things up for her by moving in with her. Their humanity and love for their children is shown in this, even though they're all messed up.
We see a noteworthy storm before the murder of Caesar. This shows that something tumultuous is about to happen. These are seen as portents from a classical point of view, of which Shakespeare knows. Also we see many things that go against nature - again these are portents that signify that not all is well. So, we see owls in the middle of the day, and lions who walk around Rome casually.
In short, odd things in nature or extreme things in nature are used to show uneasiness.