Waterway? My anwer is.. The main reason Bosporus is an important waterway is because the Blacksea and the sea of Marmara are connected , and that separates Europe from Asia.
1. Why begin this article with a quote from the Old Testament and one from John Locke?
2. Why use Clyde Ross, a resident of North Lawndale in particular, to illustrate much of this article?
3. Just considering housing as a topic, how does housing policy illustrate systematic racism?
4. "We invoke the words of Jefferson and Lincoln because they say something about our legacy and our traditions.
We do this because we recognize our links to the past - at least when they flatter us. But black history does not
flatter American democracy; it chastens it.... White supremacy is not merely the work of hotheaded
demagogues, or a matter of false consciousness, but a force so fundamental to America that it is difficult to
imagine the country without it." From Coates' evidence, explain this.
5. What would "paying reparations" to American blacks look like to Coates?
R8 Coates The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic cory.pdf
A cost could be less job opportunities..
another could be not making much money in the future