Like a ghost- simile. Like a winding snake- simile. Ding dong- onomatopoeia. Like ice- simile.
1. feels sorry for the other man, <span>is a decent person
D. after sentence 5
Let us first examine the meaning of this misplaced sentence.
It provides us with information regarding Shamsul Maidin's awards and prizes. However it uses the word "also" which implies that his awards have already been introduced and that this only follows from that.
Since his awards and recognitions are first introduced in sentences (4) and (5), this means that this misplaced sentence should logically come after them.
There is no arrival shown but some causes include : the illegal use of gillnets used by fisherman, whaling, climate change,pollution, ships hitting them and habitat loss
The <span> sentence from the passage which best supports the statement stated above is:
Animals belong in the wild where they can roam freely.
This sentence summarizes everything that has been discussed in the passage. It recapitulates the main idea that the author wants to convey.</span>