what was the central point of the selection
lol i got points
When his beloved grandfather leaves Jake clues to a mystery that spans different worlds and times, he finds a magical place known as Miss Peregrine's School for Peculiar Children. But the mystery and danger deepen as he gets to know the residents and learns about their special powers - and their terrifying enemies. Ultimately, Jake discovers that only his own special peculiarity can save his new friends. Based on the novel "Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children," written by Ransom Riggs.
A Law is a set of rules accepted by the country, whereas code is a standard accepted by an individual, society, or a class.
In "To Kill A Mockingbird," in chapter 20, Mayella breaks both "law" and "code."
She breaks law by giving false statement against Tom in the court. And she broke the code, by tempting a Negro.
She accused Tom, who is black, of ra-pe and on the other hand, she lu-sts after a black man. However, breaking of law is more powerful because it involves punishment whereas breaking of code does not.
Your answers are D. The tone is the author's attitude toward a character, subject idea or the writing in general. While the mood is the emotions that we feel when we read a story. ||| A The tone of a story creates the mood. ||| B. The author uses the plot and characteristics of the characters to create the mood.
introduction or next two chapters