A. an advocate of republican motherhood
This is true about the views been held by an advocate of republican motherhood going by the quote below: <u><em>Therefore, guard against all encroachments upon your liberties so dearly purchased with the costly expense of blood and treasure</em></u>. To that person, protecting the republic at all cost is very important especially when such was gotten at the cost of blood during the war.
— Armenia , Azerbaijan , Belorussia (see Belarus ), Estonia , Georgia , Kazakhstan , Kirghizia (see Kyrgyzstan ), Latvia , Lithuania , Moldavia (see Moldova ), Russia , Tadzhikistan (see Tajikistan ), Turkmenistan , Ukraine , and Uzbekistan were the states and russia was there the union was centered.
People and goods can sail easily from inland areas to the open sea and, from there, to other parts of the world. Europe's seas and rivers provided protection as well as possibilities for trade. The English Channel, for example, separated the islands of Britain and Ireland from the rest of Europe.