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povertyProcured:gainedMotives:reasonsMetamorphosis:change1In this great American asylum, the poor of Europe have by some meansmet together, and in consequence of various causes; to what purpose, should they ask oneanother, what countrymen they are? Alas, two thirds of them had no country. Can awretch who wanders about, who works and starves, whose life is a continual scene ofsore affliction or pinchingpenury; can that man call England or any other kingdom hiscountry? A country that had no bread for him, whose fieldsprocuredhim no harvest,who met with nothing but the frowns of the rich, the severity of the laws, with jails andpunishments; who owned not a single foot of the extensive surface of this planet? No!Urged by a variety ofmotives, here they came. Everything has tended to regeneratethem; new laws, a new mode of living, a new social system; here they are becomemen: in Europe they were as so many useless plants, wanting vegetative mould, andrefreshing showers; they withered, and were mowed down by want, hunger, ❤
Answer: The two closest synonyms for the word incentive would be either <u>motivation</u> or <u>reason.</u>
Explanation: This is because incentive means something that motivates or encourages someone to do something.
skimming the passage, we’ll find “some critics” mentioned in the third sentence. Indeed, this sentence actually continues to advance Bigsby’s view mentioned in the previous sentence (that Hansberry’s work has “unintentional” irony” that the author seems to reject (stating that we should accept her irony as “deliberate social commentaries”). This third sentence continues to elaborate and broaden the critical view to other critics. The next sentence contains the words “for example,” so that must be the one, right?! Nope. This is the trap; the question specifically mentioned “examples” ad does this fourth sentence of the paragraph, but the “examples” need to refute this view, and the example in the fourth sentence is an example of the critical view the author disagreed with.
An important thing to keep in mind about the Reading Comprehension section of the GRE as we use PowerPrep online to study is that it is just that—reading comprehension. In other words, as difficult as it may seem, and it can be pretty tricky, the test makers will always give us all the information we need in the passage to answer the question. Select-in-passage questions, like number 8 on the second Verbal section of practice test 1, may look different than other questions, but they abide by the same rule.
Select-in-passage questions are unique to the GRE, but that shouldn’t scare us. In fact, a good thing about them is that we can approach each one the same way: we need to read the question carefully in order to find out what criteria our sentence needs to meet. Then, we need to search the passage for a sentence that fits that criteria—ok, admittedly this is sometimes more easily said than done, but we should keep in mind that our question may even give us extra clues as to where to look.