Super position
Faunal Succession
Crosscutting Relationships
Superposition: The most basic concept used in relative dating is the law of superposition. Simply stated, each bed in a sequence of sedimentary rocks (or layered volcanic rocks) is younger than the bed below it and older than the bed above it. This law follows two basic assumptions: (1) the beds were originally deposited near horizontal, and (2) the beds were not overturned after their deposition.
Faunal Succession: Similar to the law of superposition is the law of faunal succession, which states that groups of fossil animals and plants occur throughout the geologic record in a distinct and identifiable order. Following this law, sedimentary rocks can be “dated” by their characteristic fossil content. Particularly useful are index fossils, geographically widespread fossils that evolved rapidly through time.
Crosscutting Relationships: Relative ages of rocks and events may also be determined using the law of crosscutting relationships, which states that geologic features such as igneous intrusions or faults are younger than the units they cut across.
Inclusions: Inclusions, which are fragments of older rock within a younger igneous rock or coarse-grained sedimentary rock, also facilitate relative dating. Inclusions are useful at contacts with igneous rock bodies where magma moving upward through the crust has dislodged and engulfed pieces of the older surrounding rock.
The answer is
They knew that once invoked, the executive benefit would shield Bush from investigations. The Bush Administration invoked executive privileges six times. During each time it had done so, it concerned investigations steaming from the war on terror to meeting with government officials as well requiring members of his team to testify.
(A) galaxies formed Sometime after the first five minutes
(B) antielectrons (positrons) as common as electrons Within the first five minutes
(C) photons of cosmic microwave background released Sometime after the first five minutes
(D) temperature fell to 10^15 K(E) strong force and electroweak force first became distinct Within the first five minutes
(F) carbon nuclei formed by fusion Sometime after the first five minutes
(G) inflation occurred Within the first five minutes
(H) star formed Sometime after the first five minutes