By the late 1960s, US political and military leaders got convinced they could not win the war by any means. The war would extend indefinitely - an unacceptable option - and the Communist North Vietnamese were determined to resist as long as it was necessary, despite the horrendous suffering and destruction; actually this is what the Vietnamese have done throughout their history against foreign occupiers since ancient times. The exorbitant financial cost of the war was also a major headache for the government. And there were the rising numbers of American casualties, a fact that was politically negative. Another major factor was the powerful peace movement in the USA, many people were opposed to the continuation of the war, social support for US involvement in Southeast Asia wasn´t strong. The US could not win that war.
The significance is the ability of Jesus to blend in with humans and to not assert his godliness but to be one with the world.
When Jesus walks with his disciples without being recognized it is a potent symbol that no matter what happens no matter how fallen the person could be Jesus would be walking with them and all they have to do is recognize.
It is a potent symbol of the faith and the humanity and divinity to the same time of Jesus.
He is human enough to blend in with them and humble enough to not assert his presence to his own disciples.
He is a companion as well as god in this symbolism.
That no one country could have a sphere of influence to trade in China- so the U.S. would have equal access to trade.
Young, and 148 Mormons, crossed into the Great Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847.