you do indeed need a warrant
to look or surveillance activity on some ones property you need to have a warrant as physical evidence that you can check the house if they are thought to have illegal products or acts of crime
French: honnête = honest
German: dekorieren = decorate
Spanish: acceso = access
cognates are recognizable words in other languages. They look very similar to their counterpart in English. if you look at the words spelling and use context clues it's pretty easy to guess what they mean
Isn't it like this:
Small room in a police station. It somewhat resembles a doctor's waiting room, but not as comfortable. There is a row of 6 chairs and a counter. On the counter is a clipboard with a pencil attached with string and a "front desk" bell. Behind the counter is a computer generated sign that reads: "PLEASE SIGN IN".
The white horse which was first in the race, a young horse never tired, fast horse always speedy, innocent horse sometimes not so naive, smart horse extremy skillful, Arab horse with some English blood, tall horse always slim, fantastic horse that seems to fly, foreign animal in the desert, thin beast with strong fur belonged to Napoleon.