think the most important social problem that we are dealing with is definitely inequality.
Inequality not only affects the quality of life of millions of people around the
globe, but also has a direct impact in all the ambits of human activity and its
impact in the ecosystem. I fully aware that this is a really difficult problem to
solve; as history taught us, trying to distribute the resources evenly among a
group of people, as communism propose, is beautiful on paper but not so much in
the real life. We humans are ambitious beings that don’t deal well with
impositions; besides, having a group of people in charge of distributing
resources is the perfect receipt for corruption. I think the most efficient way
to fight inequality is with free and top quality education subsidized with additional
taxes to rich people; also, developed heavy industrialized countries likes us
should pay a green tax to developing countries to help them protect the jungles
and forest that we couldn’t and we know we need. I am not saying that we should
create additional taxes for companies, after all they provide jobs, and corporate
taxes greatly diminish competitiveness, but instead crate a tax for individuals
just for being rich, and use that money to found education with the ultimate
goal to eliminate the distinction between public and private education;
furthermore, eliminate the concept of private education. Education should be a
human right and not a good that only a select group of people can afford; after
all, the more you know about the world, the more you can impact it in positive
ways including transforming your life and the lives of people around you. Additionally,
education not only has a direct impact in people’s lives but also on the environment.
A lot of people in developing countries destroy the environment because they
are not really fully aware of the consequences. Education is the key to
understand each other, and understanding each other is perhaps the only way of eradicate
I consider drug addiction to be the single most important social problem not just in my country, but in the entire world. For some reason, I don't understand why people make it an excuse to free themselves from their problems and frustrations, when in fact it is one of the main cause of evil in our community. When you get addicted to drugs, you tend to forget the difference between good and bad. You see things in a different way and you do things that will definitely cause harm, not just to your own self, but to other people in general. The government should give top priority to this problem. However, it is sad to say that some of the issues being tackled by the government give only low priority to this issue. Most of the people being interviewed as to why they decided to get addicted to drugs are mainly because of unemployment and depression. Unemployment is the result of poor to no education at all. The government should strive to provide education to its citizens. Yes, education may not be free, however, there are other ways to provide employment to people. It is the initiative of the government to address this issue because after all, they are in their own respective positions because of the people around them. Of course, let us not forget the role of our families in our growth and development. The people surrounding us are great influences on how we live our lives. Therefore, as responsible family members, we should be helping each other. We should check our family members from time to time to know if they are doing fine because depression and lack of support from the family are also some of the reasons why people divert their attention to drugs.
<span>I believe, when it comes to centuries of invasion from numerous outsiders who then contributed to a cultural diffusion in the Middle East, it has led to those indigenous people being scared to do anything that might upset any foreign invaders.</span>
Partisanship is basically political bias; a party is in favor of a specific cause/event. Therefore, when elected officials support the policies and programs of their own party, they're engaging in partisanship.