<span>Monotonous is to dull, boring, tedious, droning or <span>repetitious </span></span>
Monotonous means the lack in variety.
Musically speaking, it means an unvarying tone or pitch. But since your
analogy is started by an adjective, we have to pair it with an adjective too.
So you can pick one from any of these: dull, boring, tedious, droning or <span>repetitious </span></span>
<span> </span>
Nervousness is the feeling that everyone often experience in their life . Nervousness maybe of much stress . People fell nervous when there is a great target before them or a tough opponent in a game . but the pshycologists say that if a person felt stressed or nervous he/she cant do there best. So we need not feel nervous , if we feel nervous we cant concentrate on the game our brain distracts . Instead of feeling nervous we need to have sportive spirit then we can play in the best way.
Thesis #1: One of the main themes in the first two chapters of The Call of the Wild is that men are just as greedy, violent and competitive as dogs when put in harsh circumstances.
The Call of the Wild is a story of transformation in which the old Buck—the civilized, moral Buck—must adjust to the harsher realities of life in the frosty North, where survival is the only imperative. Kill or be killed is the only morality among the dogs of the Klondike, as Buck realizes from the moment he steps off the boat and watches the violent death of his friend Curly. The wilderness is a cruel, uncaring world, where only the strong prosper. It is, one might say, a perfect Darwinian world, and London’s depiction of it owes much to Charles Darwin, who proposed the theory of evolution to explain the development of life on Earth and envisioned a natural world defined by fierce competition for scarce resources. The term often used to describe Darwin’s theory, although he did not coin it, is “the survival of the fittest,” a phrase that describes Buck’s experience perfectly. In the old, warmer world, he might have sacrificed his life out of moral considerations; now, however, he abandons any such considerations in order to survive. Buck is a savage creature, in a sense, and hardly a moral one, but London, like Nietzsche, expects us to applaud this ferocity. His novel suggests that there is no higher destiny for man or beast than to struggle, and win, in the battle for mastery.
I thought I knew the answer.
I would say geysers for sure