In a unitary form of government, all the power rests in a central government. The country may be divided into states or other sub-units, but they have no power of their own
As far as a threat, North Korea has been seen as such for many years (since WWII), when North Korea sided with Russia. America and its Capitalism were not fond of the Communist party, and so we have really been fighting/being concerned about Russian influence.
Historically North and South Korea have been in conflict many years before America and Russia got involved. When we did though it got worse.
Trump has done very little to resolve this, some would say he is making it worse.
AND as for any current events ask Google!
There would be two answers for this question. For the reasons that it could give people an idea of what cause the regional conflict taking place and it also influences the region's political and economic decisions. Furthermore, understanding the people on both of these regions would give us a keen understanding on how they are different from us.
The first coordinate "29°N 98°W" is located in the following:
City: Falls City
Country: United States
Continent: North America
An for the second coordinate "19°N 99°W:"
City: Tlalnepantla
Country: Mexico
Continent: North America
A. The U.S.-Mexico border.
B. You left Texas and are now in the Federal District of Mexico.
C. It is next to Mexico City, which is both politically and economically the most important city in Mexico.
D. The Sierra Madre del Sur Mountain Range.