Some of its requirements forced them to abandon their traditional practices, is the right answer.
The Indian Reorganization Act is also known as the Wheeler-Howard Act. Enacted on 18th June 1934, this act was a federal law of the United States which dealt with the status of the American Indians. The main goal of this Act was to modify the traditional goal of adaptation of Indians into the society of Americans and to encourage, promote and preserve the tribes and their traditional values and culture.
However, this act was rejected by many native American tribes on the grounds that some of its provisions forced them to evacuate their traditional customs.
<em>Civic</em> duties include paying national, <em>state</em>, and local taxes which can include specific taxes such as <em>income</em>, sales and property.
Duties are responsibilities that are established in the face of established compliance. It is the obligation of one subject against another, being this individual, legal entity or even the State. These are attitudes that all citizens must comply with, regardless of their origin, ethnicity or living conditions. <em>Duties also include the payment of national, state and local taxes that include specific taxes such as income, sales and property taxes.</em>
They changed over time by finding the right ingredients such as iron, metal, or steel to forge different creations. They took so slowly because no one was discovered the things to make stone tools.
A group comparison study
In group comparison study, an experiment compares two groups(the beareaved and nonbeareaved adults in the above study) such as in testing the effects of a treatment where a "comparison group" receives either an alternative treatment or no treatment so that it functions as a source of "counterfactual" causal inference for the purpose of the experiment.