The best way to avoid paying interest on your credit card is to pay off the balance in full every month. You can also avoid other fees, such as late charges, by paying your credit card bill on time.
hope this helps...
The team was surprised when sunny throw the ball in the court.
Sunny was paralyzed and was able to move on wheel chair. She loved to play sport but she could not take part because of her paralysis. She used to watch the kids playing sport . One day when the player throw a ball near the sunny she picked it up and threw it back to player. the ball reached the basket ball court and everyone was surprised to see the hidden talent in sunny.
Here are some ideas to write in your essay:
Social media is addicting because you can crave validation from others with likes and comments. It could also be addicting because you feel you are not good enough like these other men and women so you look at their body and compare it to yours. You should not be on social media that often if you do not have very high confidence and self love and can be brought down easily by words and pictures. Social media creates more problems sometimes and sometimes its a good platform but being on it to much can fill your brain with toxic thoughts that are no good for you.
Diction to drugs really bad can end up and ruin your life.
By: Karen