1. The right option that fills the blank in each case is:
- <em>Fernando se cepilla </em><em><u>los dientes</u></em><em>.</em>
- <em>Emilio se lava </em><em><u>la cara</u></em><em>.</em>
- <em>Marina tiene sueño. No desea </em><em><u>levantarse</u></em><em> antes de las 9 de la mañana.</em>
- <em>Manuel no tiene mucho </em><em><u>pelo</u></em><em> y no se peina nunca.</em>
- <em>Jorge </em><em><u>se viste</u></em><em> con ropa elegante.</em>
- <em>Fernando se ducha en </em><em><u>el baño</u></em><em>.</em>
- <em>Marina se cepilla el pelo </em><em><u>antes</u></em><em> de acostarse.</em>
- <em>Jorge </em><em><u>se afeita</u></em><em> todas las mañanas.</em>
- <em>Manuel no necesita </em><em><u>un despertador</u></em><em>. Siempre se despierta cuando hay sol.</em>
- <em>Emilio </em><em><u>se lava</u></em><em> las manos antes de comer.</em>
2. The word that could correspond to the description given is:
- <em>La necesitas para secarte después de ducharte. </em><em><u>La toalla.</u></em>
- <em>Lo usas para maquillarte. </em><em><u>La brocha.</u></em>
- <em>Es el producto que necesitas para lavarte el pelo. </em><em><u>El champú</u></em><em>.</em>
- <em>Es la habitación donde te bañas. </em><em><u>El baño.</u></em>
- <em>Es el reloj que utilizas para despertarte. </em><em><u>El despertador.</u></em>
- <em>Es el producto con el que te lavas las manos. </em><em><u>El jabón.</u></em>
- <em>Te miras en este objeto para ver tu imagen. </em><em><u>El espejo.</u></em>
3. The appropriate option to complete each sentence is:
- <em>Por la mañana, </em><em><u>se despierta</u></em><em> a las ocho.</em>
- <em>Después, se afeita </em><em><u>con la crema de afeitar</u></em><em>.</em>
- <em>Cuando está cansado, </em><em><u>se acuesta</u></em><em>.</em>
The translation of the sentences is:
1. The right option that fills the blank in each case is:
- Fernando brushes <u>his teeth</u>.
- Emilio washes <u>his face</u>.
- Marina is sleepy. You don't want <u>to get up</u> before 9 in the morning.
- Manuel doesn't have much <u>hair</u> and never combs his hair.
- Jorge <u>dresses</u> in elegant clothes.
- Fernando takes a shower in <u>the bathroom</u>.
- Marina brushes her hair <u>before</u> going to bed.
- Jorge <u>shaves</u> every morning.
- Manuel doesn't need <u>an alarm clock</u>. He always wakes up when it's sunny.
- Emilio <u>washes</u> his hands before eating.
2. The word that could correspond to the description given is:
- You need it to dry after showering. <u>The towel.
- You use it for make up. <u>The brush.
- It is the product you need to wash your hair. <u>Shampoo.
- It is the room where you bathe. <u>Bathroom.
- It's the clock you use to wake up. <u>The alarm</u>.
- It is the product with which you wash your hands. <u>Soap.
- You look at this object to see your image.<u> Mirror.
3. The appropriate option to complete each sentence is:
- In the morning, <u>he wakes up</u> at eight.
- Then, shave <u>with the shaving cream</u>.
- When he is tired, he <u>lies down</u>.
As you can see inside the text, <u>all the options to choose respond to the correct sense in the sentence with making use of common actions</u> such as lying down, getting up, bathing, or objects of common use within the home such as mirror, towel, alarm clock, shampoo, soap among others, surely with the inclusion of the translation this fact will be much more evident.