1. The South Carolina representatives vote to...
- <em>Why: </em>The SC representatives were protesting the "Tariff of Abominations," which was a high tax on goods. They were not a fan of strong federal power, so they voted to ignore his law.
2. President Jackson is furious about...
- <em>Why: </em>Jackson, oh Jackson. What an unconventional guy. He was an advocate of states' rights at times, but he also had no problems with grabbing the reins and controlling unruly states. He threatened to use federal power, and they eventually succumbed, but this was very controversial.
3. As Jackson raises an army to back up...
- <em>Why: </em>SC realizes that it can't hold up against a federal army, so it backs down.
4. The South Carolina convention decides to accept...
- <em>Why: </em>Congress makes a compromise with SC by allowing it a lower tariff. Obviously this would annoy Jackson, because he didn't want to be undermined, but eventually this led to peace, for now.
The Mauryan Empire lead to the spread of Hinduism because it was a major religion at the time and Hindu priests were an important part of the emperor's court. Ashoka, who was a powerful ruler who converted to Buddhism, still had his Hindu priests in his court. He helped the spread of Buddhism as he sent many Buddhist missionaries on trips in hopes of inspiring his people to become Buddhist. He also made a council dedicated to the expansion and reform of Buddhism and many merchants became Buddhist, popularizing it in other locations outside of the Mauryan Empire.
B. The purpose of the site is to provide information on military uniforms worn in the Vietnam War.
Many companies today hire employees that are located in other countries. Using communication vehicles such as video calling make it simple to converse with colleagues across the globe, almost making it feel as if they are in the same room. Technology also makes it easier to connect with suppliers and customers all over the world, and to streamline those relationship through improves ordering, shipment tracking and so on. With this kind of communication technology, many businesses are able to take advantage of opportunities in different countries or cities, improving the economic outlook on a global level.
Thanks to global communications, information itself can be transferred as a valuable business asset from one country to another. This has the effect of making everyone's operations more modern and efficient, regardless where they are located.