<span>su, ella, tu, es tu, su, es</span>
A un individuo o para el publico
Una carta de opinión o una carta abierta es una publicación de protesta o de reclamo usualmente dirigida a un individuo, pero intencionalmente hecha para el público en general. Estas piezas son tradicionalmente publicadas por revistas y periódicos.
are u watch a movie or is only a question ????
1. nos aburrimos
2. nos fascina
3. Nos cae - Nos encanta.
4. me preocupa
5. nos disgusta
6. me interesa
The unstressed personal pronouns are those that function as a direct or indirect complement (I have already told you: "te" OI "lo" OD) or as part of the pronominal verbs: “me arrepiento”.
The forms of singular me and te and those of plural nos and you are used without distinction of gender, and the same as a direct rather than indirect complement, so it is necessary to be able to distinguish when they are one and when another, attend not only to the nature of the verb, but also, in most cases, to the context.