The description of a currency amount is called denomination. It is used for banknotes and coins. It is also used for other modes of payment such as gift cards. Hundred dollar is the denomination of hundred Dollar note. In most of the countries the currency has a base unit and there are sub units that is a fraction of main unit while in some countries the sub units can have multiple levels.
In decimal currencies the ratio between the sub unit and main unit is in the form of integral power of 10, non decimal currencies are rare.
Examining perspective is the process by which you take an event, a circumstance, or even a place and you evaluate them through examination of characteristics and even emotions and feelings generated in you. A perspective is precisely the way in which you interpret information around you depending on certain aspects like your culture, education, customs and traditions, among other things. In the case of the Cold War and what was used during it, as well as the events that took place, an examining perspective might affect the way that you perceive the events of this time period because it would lead you to understand in a different way what happened and the reasons behind it. So, for example, the circumstances of espionage that led to many confrontations during the Cold War between the U.S and Soviet Union. Culturally, and through education, we have been taught that espionage was wrong and brought many problems with it, not least of which might have been a nuclear confrontation. But through an examining perspective, you take much more than just what you can see, hear, touch and taste and you evaluate every aspect, and understand the when and the why of an event.
California's Mines After the Gold Rush As gold became more and more difficult to reach, the growing industrialization of mining drove more and more miners from independence into wage labor. The new technique of hydraulic mining, developed in 1853, brought enormous profits but destroyed much of the region's landscape.
Answer: D. All the teammates were focused on one thing, victory.