Consumers were offered with variety of choices of goods in the market. Factory system enabled mass production of products at cheaper rate with high quality.
Factory system replaced the indigenous system wherein goods are produced by simple techniques. With evolution of machines, the quality of the product highly increased which led to customer satisfaction. The price of the products was fair and the purchasing power of the consumers increased which afforded them to buy the product.
Due to the availability of cheap labor, workers were employed in factories and were made to stay nearby factories so that they can be easily supervised. Housing facilities were given to the workers by the factory owners which highly motivated the workers to work for extra hours for an increased output.
The three parts of the government were a Governor, a Council of Advisers, and an Elected Assembly. The governor was something like the president, that is the commander in chief with the power to veto. The Council and the Assembly were like the upper and the lower houses of the parliament. The lower was closely connected to the will and the demands of the people while the upper was more into legislature. your welcome
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austria- Hungary empire was shot down, along with his wife by an assassins bullet when he was in Bosnia visiting Sarajevo.
From 1966 onward, African American leaders began objecting
to the war as it became clear that both the war and the funding it required were hurting their struggle
for equality. Clear, statistical evidence of racial bias within the military, especially the high
casualty rates and draft rates of Black soldiers, angered and emboldened the radical activists in the
movement, which had previously been kept in check by the promise of legislative change.
Moderates of the civil rights movement avoided condemning the disparate statistics within the
military, in order to maintain support for President Johnson and his Great Society. The explicitly
revolutionary groups, largely motivated by the disproportionate statistics in the military, opposed
the Vietnam War and the government that perpetuated it on anticolonial and antiracist grounds,
thus breaking the consensus of civil rights organizations because of a differing perception of
racism in the military