The longitudinal lines represent the local time and the prime meridian represents GMT. India follows its local time which is known as IST (Indian Standard time). Every longitude line is 15o apart from each other and for every 15, there is a time lag of two hours.
The answer is <u>TRUE</u>
Leadership skills and abilities have been studied extensively for more than five decades. Over the course of the research it is apparent that leaders have a dreamy vision for what they want to see.
However, the difference between a leader and a lay person is that a leader actually understands what they need to do to make that dream become a reality.
Dreams without plans end nowhere but it takes real courage, passion, hard work, dedication and a lot of time to make things work.
This applies to business leaders as well as political leaders. For example, Martin Luther King had a dream of building a society without racism and he worked for it through non-violent protest.
Bill Gates had a dream of putting a personal computer in every person's home and it became true as his operating system became the world standard in computing.
The early atmosphere on Earth was mostly carbon dioxide.
It was also poisonous and extremely hot.
Atmosphere is the gaseous envelope of a planet.
Today's atmospheric functions include sustaining life with oxygen, produced from plants; filtering harmful rays from the sun, helping in protecting the Earth from meteor collisions.
The correct matches are as follows:
1 . Ephesians 2
concerning how the Jews and Gentiles have been brought together into one body
2 . 1 and 2 Thessalonians
3 . 2 Timothy
</span>matters pertaining to Ephesus and Troas
4 . Philemon
</span>focused discussion on the return of Christ. <span>
5 . Philippians
</span>expression of thankfulness and joy <span>
6 . Galatians
</span>focuses on the theme: the Law cannot save man
7 . 2 Corinthians
</span>defense of apostleship
8 . 1 Corinthians
</span> includes chapter on the doctrine of the resurrection
9 . 1 Timothy and Titus
</span>provide guidelines for leadership to young pastors <span>
10 . Colossians
</span>regarding an appeal to a master to show his slave kindness
11 . Romans
</span>concerning false doctrines and the deity of Christ