There were several architectural movements in Spain during that lapse of time
Pre-Romanesque Architecture went from the 7th to 10th century. SOme of its characteristics are: Massive thick stone masonry and walls; symmetrical construction and large towers; celtic inspired medallions and Roman elements, Visigothic columns.
Romanesque Architecture first developed in Spain in the 10th and 11th centuries, some characteristics of this style are: Symmetrical construction; Massive quality, thick walls, bulky buildings; Round arches and columns; Large and round towers.
Mozarabic and Mudejar Architecture developed in Spain during the 12th - 16th centuries. The style is Islamic or Moorish, and it emerged as a combination of Christianity and Islam. The Horseshoe arch is the most common feature. They also have intricate and geometric stucco, wood and brick work, Islamic patterns and decorations and octagonal towers.
Also, from the 12th -14th century the Gothic style arrived in Spain. The High Gothic arrived fully through the Way of Saint James in the 13th century, with some of the purest Gothic cathedrals. Some characteristics are: Tall constructions; Gargoyles; Pointed arches; Stained glass windows; Thin walls and vaulted ceilings; Clusters of thin columns.