To preserve the ideal of American identity
Beginning at the end of the 19th century, immigration into the United States went high. Many of these new immigrants came from eastern and southern Europe. Many immigrants with different languages, customs, and religions caused anxiety and racial hostility. The sense of fear and concern over the rising of immigration led the Republican Party in 1920 to put restrictions.
The most important economic development in the mid-19th-century south was the cotton gin.
I don't know which specific context you refer to - the Han Chinese have conquered many people.
So I will provide one example - in Taiwan, the aboriginal people were required to have Chinese names in their passports until recently, which means that every person was forced to adopt a Chinese name, and often their original name was dropped, and (over generation) forgotten. This has changed how people self-identify: weakening their indigenous sense of identity.
B. The first female minster and a devoted supporter of religious freedom for all.