The characteristic so his poems discussed in the background section hold good in the case of ‘Come Thunder’ too. The style, tone, and techniques used are much like those found in modernist poets. <span>But the rhythm is essentially non-English. Abundant use of plosive sounds, in words and lines give a pattern to the poem. All this give the poem onomatopoeic effect which is in tune with the main motif of the poem – thunder.</span>
These are my thoughts
To me, this quote means that even when you become successful, you won't always stay that way. It could also mean that even when you become successful you have to keep working to stay there. There are people in this world that work hard every day to make something of themselves while others are gifted that. People that work hard to reach the top understand what it means to work for something and be rewarded with their dream and can still be humble. Others that don't work for it don't understand that so if they were to go to the bottom they wouldn't understand how to deal with it, or work to get back to where they were. Starting from the bottom can teach people a lot of things, just appreciating the little things can make life easier for a person. They will always know how to handle and care for themselves when they have nothing. Going from nothing to something will always make a difference when you can understand or recognize someone else's struggle. Nobody stays at the top forever. Just like the quote says "You cannot stay on the summit forever."
People under 18 should not vote because they have not fully developed a big brain.
Practicalities :
- It will increase the amount of educated people
- It will decrease average debt of the people and increase their quality of life
- In the Long Run, it will increase the total productivity in the country due more skilled workers are available
Impracticalities :
- It will take a huge amount of Budget
- It will be hard to find a good resources to do it since the country won't get any short term return