an imaginry person that inhabits a literary work. literary characters may be major or minor static or dynamic in shakespeare othello esdemona is a major character but one who is static like the moinor character bianca othello is a major character who is dynamic exhibiting an ability to change
When Odysseus goes to inspect the cave that he later learns belongs to the Cyclops, Polyphemus, he brings with him a goat skin bottle of dark wine that was given to him by Maron.
Odysseus does not agree with the men stealing food from the cyclops Polyphemus's cave not because he believes it is a moral wrong, but because he believes that if the men meet Polyphemus and request shelter, the cyclops will offer shelter and a valuable gift, as is the social and religious expectation in Odysseus's world.
In the end Odysseus’s men were correct and Odysseus’s plan goes completely awry when Polyphemus appears and attacks and eats some of Odysseus's men. Polyphemus does not observe the social norm of hospitality, as he does not believe himself to be subservient to the gods, such as Zeus, who favor humans who observe hospitality. However Odysseus manages to blind Polyphemus and escapes the island with the remainder of his men. Odysseus let his overconfidence overshadow the cautious suggestion of the men to sneak off with the food from Polyphemus's cave.
"Here's a quick and simple definition: Formal verse is the name given to rhymed poetry that uses a strict meter (a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables). ... Formal verse is distinct from blank verse (poetry with meter but no rhyme) and free verse (poetry without meter or rhyme)."
By this, the answer it false. Too add, the easier form of poetry is Acrostic.
- Eijiro <3
Not Bad
Doin Alright, How bout You
I’m pretty sure it might me topic sentence, that’s what clicked in my head but i don’t know. so sorry if it’s wrong