Josiane thinks Didier is a better chef than her. Vrai ou faux?
Faux (false)
Josiane says "... je cuisine mieux que toi."
She says "I cook better than you", you being Didier.
Didier thinks that girls don't always cook better than boys. Vrai ou faux?
Vrai (true)
Didier says "Les filles ne sont pas toujours les meilleures pour la cuisine."
He says "Girls are not always the best for cooking."
yes correct u are good. Good Job Keep It Up
<em>5. Est-ce que vous célébrez les fêtes traditionnelles vietnamiennes? (oui, tous les ans)</em>
<em>Oui , on les célébre tous les ans.</em>
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<em>6. . Aimerais-tu aller au Viêt-nam un jour? (oui, bien)</em>
<em>Oui, j'aimerai bien y aller.</em>
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drink coffee in the store
Learning French could have huge benefits on culinary art's, for example, if culinary chefs know French, they will be able to better understand the foods they are making, they will be able to read recipes from other countries, and prepare foreign foods.