When you're finished with them and compare with other students or your teacher.
Better early than late.
The Indian social system was influenced by the concept of varna.[2] Varna is not caste and caste is not Varna. This is a critical difference not understood by many. It directly linked religious belief and the segregation of society into status groups. Weber goes on to describe the Varna system (the Brahmins - priests, the Kshatriyas - warriors, the Vaishyas - merchants, the Shudras - laborers and the untouchables).
Weber pays special attention to Brahmins and considers why they occupied the highest place in Indian society for many centuries. With regards to the concept of dharma he concludes that the Indian ethical pluralism is very different both from the universal ethic of Confucianism and Christianity. He notes that the varna system prevented the development of urban status groups.<span>[3]</span>
A good academic source should be backed up with factual sources or come from people actually in the field of the topic. Any site with .gov or .edu sites will have the most factual resources and information since there from official people.
Hope this helps!
- Eijiro <3
banned from church and from communicating with other followers.
News outlets are very trusted and can show just as much information as they want to. With the right information, they can make you believe anything. News outlets can fool you into thinking a victim is not really a victim, someone guilty is innocent, something that happened on purpose was just an accident, and they can influence your beliefs whether it’s political or religious. It all depends on the information they chose to share, how they chose to share it, and what they say along with what tone they are using. They could sound sarcastic, they could sound serious or light hearted, or they can even make it sound like it’s not a big deal. News outlets are the #1 source for information on many topics for most people all around the world.