The evil that men do is remembered, but the good they have done is often buried with them.
According to the given excerpt, Antony makes a speech at the funeral of Caesar and he talks about how good of a man Caesar was, even though he mentioned that the evil men do live after them. He spoke of how the "noble" Brutus described the late Caesar as an ambitious man, and that he believes Brutus's words, even though Caesar was his friend.
Therefore, the modern meaning of the first two lines of the passage means that the evil that men do is remembered, but the good they have done is often buried with them.
- Socio-emotional selectivity theory.
'Socio-emotional selectivity theory' is illustrated under the life-span theory and described as the human ability to track time and motivate themselves as per the time-horizons. This theory describes that humans tend to shrink their circle of people or shrink themselves as they age and become more selective. They involve in activities or people who are emotionally purposeful.
In the given situation, the Beth's situation(fewer friends in comparison to her young age) exemplify the 'socio-emotional selectivity theory' as it reflects she has motivated herself to a narrowed circle according to time and exhibits 'relative preference' to have 'rewarding associations'(each relationship, deeply satisfying, enjoyable) with people.