On this day in 1914, as World War I erupted across Europe, President Woodrow Wilson declared that the United States would remain “impartial in thought as well as in action.” ... In February 1915, Germany declared unrestricted warfare against all ships, neutral or not, that entered the war zone around Britain.
from the best (lowest score) to worst (highest score)
Garcia, Woods, Ells, Kelly
The probability of getting tails and spinning on a red is
Since you can flip either heads or tails with the coin and there are 8 different spinner possibilities, that means there are a total of 16 individual possibilities. Out of the 16 different outcomes, 3 of them match the requirement of flipping tails and spinning on a red, so the fraction to represent the situation would be
The grand mosque of Paris is the story of the Muslim community of Paris during the Nazi occupation of world war ll.