CD8+ T cells is the type of cell attacks a variety of unwanted cells and causes those cells to undergo apoptosis
Apoptosis occurs normally when the development and the aging and as a homeostatic mechanism to maintain the cell populations in the tissues. Apoptosis can also occurs as the defense mechanism such as in the immune reactions or when the cells are damaged by the disease or the noxious agents
Apoptosis is basically form of the programmed cell death that is occurs in the multicellular organisms. the Biochemical events lead to the characteristic cell changes and the death. These changes may include the blebbing, cell shrinkage, the nuclear fragmentation, and the chromatin condensation, the DNA fragmentation, and the mRNA decay
To know more about apoptosis visit:
Inside most every cell in your body, you have the same 46 chromosomes, carrying the same genes. But not all the cells in your body are the same. Nerve cells, blood cells, cells lining your intestine, they all look different and they do different jobs
Another name for fats and oils is triglyceride or c. lipids
lots of waste and dead leaves and things like that
dont plagarise ;)