Then suddenly the singer threw up his face, straightened his tubby figure, rose upon his tiptoes, and with wagging head and scarlet cheeks emitted such a howl as the same dog might have given had his growl been checked by a kick from his master.
Every Greek was a trained critic, and as unsparing in his hisses as he was lavish in his applause.
Many a singer far better than this absurd fop had been driven amid execration and abuse from the platform.
<h3>Explain your answer briefly?</h3>
In these three lines, we can see that the tone is a mocking one. In the first sentence, the singer's singing is compared to a dog's howl when being kicked. This implies that the singing was not pleasant in any way. In the second sentence, the author tells us that the audience disliked the singing just as much, being "unsparing in their hisses.
Thus," Finally, we learn that the author refers to the singer as an "absurd fop."
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Your answer is going to be D. Poetry is written in lines and stanzas.
A. The cause-and-effect structure emphasizes the fact that hard work is responsible for improved test scores.
“Thomas Paine, in response to the argument that the colonies have done well under the control of Britain, says that they could do far better without Britain, since Britain takes a great deal of the profits from trade for themselves.”
No, it is false that all adult men in the Massachusetts Bay Colony who were members of the church were given the right to vote, since only eligible citizens could. This usually meant you had to be educated and own land.