President Andrew Johnson declined to enact the verdict by the supreme court.
The President, Andrew Johnson responded to the decision by the supreme court by declining to enact their decisions. He rather enforced further laws that were against the Cherokees and they were gradually forced out of the land.
To Americans, the history includes both treating Native American tribes as equals and exiling them from their homes. The new U.S. government was thus free to acquire Native American lands by treaty or force. Resistance from the tribes stopped the encroachment of settlers, at least for a while
the japanesse and british war
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La pregunta es ambigua y no incluye mayor referencia, época o contexto. De ahí que podemos comentar de manera general lo siguiente.
Uno de los movimientos Europeos más reconocidos por el impacto cultural y emocional que provocó fue el llamado Renacimiento que inició en la Italia del siglo XIV, cuando el Humanismos empezó a cambiar los conceptos que imperaron en la época obscura de la Edad Media.
El Renacimiento se caracterizó además por el nacimiento de grandes artistas, escultores y pintores de la talla de Miguel Ángel Buonarroti, Leonardo Da Vinci y Rafael, impresionantes artistas que elevaron las emociones de la gente con sus perfectas creaciones.
Market Economy is the economy that is the most commonly used in the United States such as grocery stores and restraunts
Command economy is a Economy completely runned by the government Countries who have one is North Korea, and Cuba
Traditional is a non timed pasted economy system that mainly the American Amish use