Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. However, I inferred you are referring to the web marketing term- conversion.
In web marketing, a successful ad click to a website is often called a conversion. In other words, the number of visitors that respond to an ad urging one to click a form or to make a purchase on a website makes up the conversion rate.
The strategy that will help you revise your choice of words to achieve your purpose is to think of what message you want to give such as in an introduction to a topic whereby you want to cover the main points to be expounded on in the main paper or essay or chapter of a book you may be writing to set the stage for their full explanation.
material, machinery/equipment, manpower, and methods.
An ishikawa Diagram, also called the Fishbone Diagram or the Cause-and-effect Diagram is used to perform a cause-and-effect, meaning it is used to show how causes are as a result of causes. Sometimes the fishbone diagrams use the cause and effect method to find root causes and solutions to problems. The bones of the fish are usually the four "Ms" and they are material, machinery/equipment, manpower, and methods. However, sometimes two more Ms are added: Measurement and Mother Nature.