Answer: by offering advice and help to them, like them a tutor.
Yes, most of the people I'm friends with right now are very different of how I first them met. For an example, when I first met my best friend I thought she/he was extremely rude, ignorant, and selfish. In reality she/he is the most genuine, selfless, and kind hearted person I know. My best friends first impression of me was she thought I was a total nightmare, she saw me being "rude" to boy who was actually my cousin and we were playing around. Thats why we're currently best friends right now. A first impression is how a person could always see you, so try to always show someone new who you really are.
A, C, and D are all sentences that could be cut in two to make them easier to read.
A : Daylight Saving Time is the best part of the year. There is more daylight in the evening that makes me feel good.
C : Are we supposed to spring forward or fall forward? I can never remember how the time change works.
D : We should get rid of Daylight Saving Time because it is a bother. And lost sleep causes car accidents.
Greys anatomy season 13 epsiode 20
Basically 2 doctors who are stuck on a plane that has turbulence and are running back and forth to other passengers who got hurt.
Answer:"One night I was sitting in my room, devouring an old romance which I had brought from the library."