Answer:Present Situation Many children today have to spend hours every evening doing homework. One side: Some people seem to believe that this will help the children in their academic career. Other side: Others feel that homework is mostly useless. Thesis: This essay will examine the positive and negative aspects of homework and discuss its benefits for schoolchildren.
Body Paragraph 1: (For) Topic: There are several advantages to homework if it is given in the correct amounts and at the right time. Reason 1: First of all, students do need some practice of new material learned in school. Supporting Detail 1:They need to sit quietly at home and find out how well they understand the new information and ideas. Reason 2: Secondly, homework helps the teacher to know what the students have or have not learned. Supporting Detail 2: The teacher can then change the next lessons to match. Reason 3: A third point is that homework can involve parents in the education of the child. Supporting Detail 3: Family members can encourage the child and see his or her progress.
Body Paragraph 2: (Against). Topic: However, too often there are negative aspects to homework. Reason 1: Many teachers give too much homework, and often teachers do not coordinate the quantity given. Supporting Detail 1:The children do not have free time to relax or play sports. Reason 2: A further point is that unnecessary assignments raise the stress level of the student. Supporting Detail 2:This can actually lower productivity and performance, instead of raising it. Reason 3: However, the main argument against homework is that most of it is just boring practice. Supporting Detail 3:The students learn nothing new – the teachers just give it because they are expected to. Summary/Extra Information: I agree that some practice is good, but endless practice of the same material does not lead to improvement. Conclusion/Summary: In conclusion, the need to give homework must be considered carefully. One side: It can be helpful in certain circumstances, Other side but students and teachers must understand the value and importance of homework. Future: In my opinion, finding the balance between free time and homework will lead to a happy and successful school experience for our children.
Incomplete question. Here are the options that complete the question;
A. Some cartmen tried to overcharge people who needed help.
B. People hurried away from the fire in large, chaotic groups.
C. Many people were unable to carry their belongings on their own.
D. Some cartmen helped others haul their belongings for little to no pay.
<u>D. Some cartmen helped others haul their belongings for little to no pay.</u>
Remember, after the narrator had stated that some cartmen demanded up to $150 for carrying a single load, the narrator stated, <em>"</em><u><em>some cartmen </em></u><em>worked for </em><u><em>whatever the sufferers felt able to pay.</em></u><em>" </em>
Indeed, cartmen are ordinary people, and to act heroically also involves showing human sympathy. Thus, <em>since some cartmen helped others haul their belongings for little to no pay, it becomes evident that ordinary people can act heroically in difficult times.</em>
While driving to the airport, in an effort to distract herself from the thoughts of her ageing mother, the poet looks at the young trees 'sprinting'. The trees seem to be running past the moving car. The sprinting of the trees symbolises the rapidly passing years of human's life from childhood to old age
imperalism is driven by the desire to maintain an image of control
The correct answer is A.
It is important to state that the original opening scene from Hamlet does not contain the "stage directions" included in this excerpt ("Elsinore, a platform before the castle"); and what is more, there is no explicit allusion to a place before the action actually starts.
Having said that, the correct answer is A because Bernardo asks <em>"Who's there?</em>" and Fransisco returns <em>"Nay, answer me; stand, and unfold yourself"</em> (meaning, you tell me who you are and identify yourself). <u>This interaction can only be possible if it is very late at night, since the characters imply that they can's see each other by asking who is approaching.</u> Once they have identified themselves they talk about to things:
- "'Tis now struck twelve; get thee to bed, Fransisco"
="The clock says it's twelve, so go to bed" This is an explicit reference to the time in which this scene takes place, so now we can be certain that it is very late at night.
2. "it's bitter cold, and I am sick at heart"
= "It's very cold and I feel depressed" This is an explicit reference to the weather being cold.