Credit is a card in which you can spend more and have to pay back the money, debt is where you can only spend the money you have in a card
Option: a. 200 million years ago
Million years ago, Earth had one supercontinent called Pangaea and surrounded by an ocean (Panthalassa). Alfred Wegener proposed the concept of one big continent after putting together different records of confirmation. He was able to give his theory by examining fossils of plants, trees, animals, and reptiles that found in different continents. About 200 million years ago, the supercontinent began to split up into two parts; Gondwana from Laurasia. Today's countries, including Africa, Antarctica, India, South America, and Australia are part of Gondwana, where Europe and North America from Laurasia.
Effects of Wind
on forecasted temperatures
At night, the earth's surface cools by radiating heat off to space. The strongest cooling takes place right near the surface while temperatures at roughly 3000 feet are actually warmer than those at the surface. On a windy night, some of the warmer air aloft is mixed down towards the surface. This occurs because the winds are faster aloft than at the surface.
To visualize this, place one hand over the other about six inches apart. The bottom hand represents the air near the surface and the top hand represents the warmer wind higher up. Move the bottom hand slowly and the upper hand faster (to indicate the faster winds aloft). The faster air above and slower air below causes the air to overturn or spin (as in the picture below). This overturning motion is how warmer air from above is transported downward on windy nights.
Cold Fronts
Fronts are geograpghical terms that describes various boundaries between air masses of different temperatures.
There are frour different type of fronts, they includes:
1. Cold fronts
2. Warm fronts
3. Stationary fronts
4. Occluded fronts
However, from the question, the answer is Cold Front due to the following characteristics associated with cold front.
Cold front is term that describes the movement of front in which cold air is replacing warm air at the surface.
Some of the characteristics of cold fronts include the following
i. Cold fronts always move faster than all other types of fronts.
ii. Cold fronts is characterized by most violent weather among all types of
iii. Cold fronts normally move the farthest while maintaining their intensity, while also associating with thunderstorms.
iv. Cold fronts usually bring cooler weather, clearing skies, and a sharp change in wind direction.
All the above characteristics are presented in the question. Hence, the answer is COLD FRONT.